Thursday, August 11, 2011

Do we need to move here?

The answer is emphatically, "No!"  This beautiful sunset was Monday evening, after a beautiful day.   When we woke up Tuesday morning the sky was black and it rained and stormed all day with a wind around 10-15 mph.  We didn't even consider leaving.  Yesterday morning, the sky was gray and the wind was blowing at around 20-25 mph and it was 59 degrees.  There were white caps on the water in the harbor and as the day progressed, there even appeared to be white caps INSIDE the marina.  No one was to be seen on the docks and no one left the marina  except two small boats that made a mad dash over to the island across the harbor.  People stayed on their boats all morning and  in the afternoon the sun broke through, but the temperature was in the high 60's and the wind was still howling.   We were invited to join 2 other couples, Bill & Pam Watt and Marcus & Jean Schultz, who graciously shared their supper with us and we discussed our options for leaving here. These folks were so nice and they were ready to go, too.  Cabin fever had settled in. Mike did take advantage of the situation and changed the oil in the engine and I did a few household chores, such as vacuuming up dog hair.  Speaking of dog hair, Maggie is better.  She is wagging her tail again, so I guess it is not broken.

The wind laid down during the night last night, so we are going to try to bust loose from here and anchor tonight at Government Island, which is about halfway to Lake Michigan.  The news from our neighbors is the weather patterns for Lake Michigan are similar to what we have experienced the last 2 days here on Lake Huron - 3 bad days and 2 good days.  Once we get to Lake Michigan, we have 300 miles to cover to get to Chicago.  It may take longer than we anticipated.

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